We released an important bug fix update to NNSuperResolution yesterday (12th of September). It’s called v3.2.1, and fixes a regression where the overscan support didn’t work as intended in sequence mode (v3.2.0 was actually crashing if you tried to calculate a sequence that had overscan). The plugin is now patched and fully working again, so please go ahead and install the new version (there are no other changes to the plugin in this version update).

We wanted to take the opportunity to communicate some of what we are aiming to work on going forward. The single most requested and asked for feature for NNFlowVector is mask support, i.e. the ability to exclude some local object movements from the solve of the resulting optical flow. We are currently in the process of implementing this, but it’s a rather complex solution which involves gathering a lot of example data, training another neural network, and rewriting parts of the plugin. Hence we are not setting any hard time frames at this point. If everything goes according to plan, it will be released sometime next year.

We are also planning to investigate if we can squeeze some extra quality out of NNSuperResolution’s upscaling in sequence mode. The idea is to replace its rather simple internal optical flow engine with the much more competent optical flow engine that’s implemented in NNFlowVector. That way the solution would be able to lean even more onto the temporal features than today, which will hopefully result in increased end quality.

We are also slowly and secretly working on our third Nuke plugin powered by AI/ML! It’s too early to tell what it is though at this point in time, so you just got to remember to check back in on our website from time to time to be in the loop.

All the best,

Bug fix update to NNSR and some future plans