We have just released builds for both NNSuperResolution and NNFlowVector for Nuke 14.0. What’s good to know is that Foundry has updated the bundled CUDA version in Nuke to v11.1.1, and the cuDNN version to v8.4.1. We have matched the builds of our plugins to that so there are no compatibility problems. You will basically get native compatibility of all supported GPUs up to compute capability 8.6, i.e. Ampere type of cards (for example RTX3080 and RTX3090). If you are lucky enough to own a brand new RTX4080 card or similar, you will have to rely on the JIT compilation of the kernels. The plugins will work, but you will need to wait for that kernel compile the first time around (there is more info about this in our documentation PDF). Enjoy!

We are also pleased to announce that we are very close to releasing NNFlowVector with matte support! This will be released as v2.0 in the beginning of the new year. We are very excited about this since this is the most common feature request we get. If you are very keen to test this out and can’t wait, we are interested in having beta testers. Please use the normal contact form, and please let us know what build you are using (platform, Nuke version, CUDA version). We will then send you an email with a special download link so you can get up and running.
Hope you like our Christmas presents. 🙂
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Cheers, David